Thursday, 30 August 2007

Coca-Cola – New Packaging Design

Coca-Cola has recently unveiled a new packaging design for its world famous Coca-Cola Classic can and made a dramatic step back from the trend of highly detailed designs, ice crystals and drop shadows by returning to simple white lettering on a red can. The new can was designed by the Turner Duckworth Consultancy here in the UK and the USA and came about as Coca-Cola believed that the increasingly complicated packaging designs where damaging the brand and turning it into a generic drinks brand. This new brand will be a polar opposite to Coca-Cola’s main rival Pepsi with its highly complicated Pepsi Max designs and it will be interesting to see which is more successful. I think the new packaging will be more successful as the old designs looked too much like a new fad and as a result looked old and dated very quickly whereas the simpler classic look will still look fresh in several years time thus preserving the life of the brand.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I saw this in Creative Review and really liked the step that Coca-Cola have taken. It should help to diffentiate their brand values from Pepsi and we all know how recocnisable Coca-Cola is as often their adverts often show only half their logo, so why not make the packaging just as simple.