The top picture that you see here is a (rather poor scan of a) photo taken using a simple pinhole camera that I found in amongst my college portfolio. The picture was taken as part of ‘world pin hole camera day’ by M. Cameron in Empire Vale, Australia and was the result of a ‘happy mistake’ when Cameron accidentally double exposed the film, once inside his apartment and one out side. He only noticed his mistake when he developed the film, however it came out really well.
Word Pinhole Photography Day is a global annual event (the last Sunday in April) when enthusiasts from all over the world “take some time off from the increasingly technological world we live in and to participate in the simple act of making a pinhole photograph”. The aim of the annual event is to “to share their visions and help spread the unusual beauty of this historical photographic process” and as you can see from the other examples of photos taken using pin hole cameras people can achieve some fantastic results only using very basic technology – the website is well worth checking out as it has plenty more brilliant examples of pin hole photography (see www.pinholeday.org) The next world pinhole day is Sunday 26th April 2008 – check out the website a bit closer to the time to find out if there are any exhibitions near you (or to find out how you can enter your pinhole photos).
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